Monday, January 15, 2018

Serve-a-thon, Part 1
The Serve-a-thon was supposed to take place all day today with the morning at Global Health Ministries and the afternoon at SummerWoods Senior Living Center in Chanhassen.This morning, however, the speech coach called to say she didn't feel comfortable driving the bus up to Fridley to the GHM warehouse given the fresh snow and numerous traffic accidents that were still getting cleaned up. We decided to postpone that part of the service project until next week. We did however go to the SummerWoods location in the afternoon and worked there for a couple hours. Next Monday we will go to Global Health Ministries and finish the rest of the time there sorting medical supplies to go to developing countries. So, even though we said the Serve-a-thon would be done today, it is only partially completed. We'll keep you posted.


How does Speech work? For those of you who are unfamiliar with how Speech Competition works, this might help. If you're familiar with all of this, just skip this.

Speech Categories: Speech Competition varies between states so I will be explaining how it works in Minnesota. In Speech there are 14 different categories in which students can compete at tournaments. Categories range from what you typically think of as high school speeches like informative or persuasive to more dramatic categories like drama, poetry, storytelling. The fourteen categories are:
Creative Expression,
Dramatic Duo,
Dramatic Interpretation,
Extemporaneous Reading,
Extemporaneous Speaking,
Great Speeches,
Humorous Interpretation,
Informative Speaking,
Original Oratory,
Program of Oral Interpretation (POI),
Prose, and
In some of these categories students find published works they use to "act out" and in others they write their own speeches.

Jeremiah's Speech Categories: Last year Jeremiah competed in the category of Original Oratory, (OO) which is essentially a persuasive speech. It is a 10 minute serious speech intended to convince the audience of a compelling issue. This year Jeremiah is again competing in this category but has also added a second category as well. He has added Program of Oral Interpretation, (POI) which is a 10 minute dramatic persuasive speech made up of prose, poetry, and drama pieces he has to piece together to portray a single message. The two categories are very different, even though both are essentially persuasive speeches. In POI he acts everything out, becoming the characters he portrays. In OO he is sharing more like a professional trying to convince an audience of something.
Tournaments: Students attend tournaments all day Saturdays most weeks from January through March. At a typical tournament students present their speech three times in preliminary rounds in which a judge scores 5-8 competitors at a time. Based on those preliminary scores the highest 7 or 8 students are invited to a final round where they compete with each other head to head.  Often the next 7 or 8 students are invited to compete in an Honors Final Round. In many of these tournaments several hundred to over a thousand students are competing at one time with anywhere from 20 to 100 competing in each category.

About national tournaments: Minnesota is one of the more competitive states in the country in speech. When Minnesotans attend national tournaments they tend to do very well. It is rather competitive to be able to qualify to attend those national tournaments from Minnesota however because to get to them you have to qualify while competing in a very difficult tournament environment. On the other hand, it's a great place to learn to do speech because you learn from stiff competition.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Season Begins!

Chaska Finalists at Woodbury "Royal Kickoff" Speech Tournament 1/13/18
January 13, 2018:
Welcome to Jeremiah's Speech Endeavors, a way for us to communicate with anyone interested about his Speech journey this year. A huge thanks to everyone who has supported Jeremiah in his fundraising efforts to get to national tournaments this year. More about that later.

There is a separate blog about speech and how it works. If you are unfamiliar with competitive speech, please see that entry. It also explains Jeremiah's two categories he is competing in this year.

1st Speech Tournament of the Year
Jeremiah attended speech camp last summer to help him learn the POI category. It's considered to be the most difficult category and would have been a difficult one to learn on his own. That time at camp and his hard work paid off today. Jeremiah got 2nd place in the POI category!!!  In spite of lots of work on his speech, he is still refining his Original Oratory speech.  He still had to compete with it today and have it memorized. He did not place today in this category so is hoping for another week to have the speech more refined and re-memorized. That's how the season goes, refine the speech each week and re-memorize!! He's been so excited to get started and is off to a great start!